Vaginal moisturisers to keep you luscious

If it feels as dry as the surface of Mars down there, these moisturisers that mimic your natural lubrication will change your life (and bring sexy back!)

By Sabrina Rogers-Anderson

Hot flashes and mood swings get all the airtime when annoying menopause symptoms are discussed over margaritas, but can we PLEASE talk about how our vaginas become drier than the Sahara when our oestrogen levels plummet?

When chemo for breast cancer catapulted me into menopause overnight at 43, I didn’t really notice how desert-like my crotch was at first. Chemo and a hot sex life don’t generally go hand in hand - but kudos to you if you’re still getting it on!

It wasn’t until I met a new partner and started having regular sex that the sandpaper-like qualities of my vagina came to the fore. Yikes. Not exactly the first impression I was hoping to make.

I tried regular lube, but I didn’t love that I had to interrupt sex to put it on and the strawberry scent nauseated me.

Then my chemist told me about vaginal moisturiser. This brilliant invention coats the vaginal wall and slowly releases moisture that mimics your natural lubrication for up to three days. 

Not only does it relieve the itching and burning sensations vaginal dryness can cause, but it also means spontaneous sex is back on the cards. Woo!

I like to insert some moisturiser a few hours before I think I might be having sex for an extra boost and I use it any other time I’m feeling a little parched down there.

Some brands sell pre-filled applicators for easy insertion, but they work out to a much higher cost per use. A cheaper option is to buy a tube of moisturiser and use a syringe to insert it high into your vagina. (Don’t laugh, but I use a children’s Nurofen dispenser or one of those thrush treatment applicators!)

I road-tested several vaginal moisturisers and here are my top three picks. 

Entry Level: Vagisil ProHydrate Internal Hydrating Gel

My chemist handed me a box of Vagisil Prohydrate prefilled applicators when I first confessed my vaginal drought to her. I’ll always have a soft spot for this product because it’s the first one that gave me sweet relief! I also love the convenience of the applicators even though they came with a high price tag.

But when I looked at the ingredients list and plugged them into the Environmental Working Group (EWG) database - my go-to for ingredient safety - one left me cold. Phenethyl alcohol is an aromatic alcohol with a light rose scent (which I didn’t love because I was worried my partner could taste it!) and it has a moderate risk of allergies and immunotoxicity.

While it doesn’t make the product unsafe per se, I try to use products that are as natural as possible - especially when it comes to my delicate lady parts! 

Pros: Affordable, available at most chemists and effective.

Cons: It contains a potentially irritating ingredient, a light scent I’d prefer not to have and a very slight stickiness.

Price: From $10.99 for 30g tube; from $19.99 for 6 x 5g prefilled applicators

Vagisil ProHydrate

Mid-range pick: YES VM pH Matched Vaginal Moisturiser

My online search for a natural vaginal moisturiser led me to this gem of a product. Formulated with certified organic flax gum, aloe vera, locust bean gum and guar gum, YES VM’s ingredients all check out on the EWG database. 

This moisturiser feels so natural without any stickiness or odour. It gives me instant relief from dryness and makes me feel naturally lubricated and ready for action. I feel good knowing it’s free from nasties such as parabens and fragrances, and that it’s pH matched to my vagina to keep thrush and UTIs at bay.

Pros: Contains certified organic ingredients, feels natural, isn’t sticky and doesn’t have an odour or taste.

Cons: Not readily available at chemists.

Price: $26.95 for 100ml tube; $35.95 for 6 x 5ml prefilled applicators

YES® VM Vaginal Moisturiser

Luxe pick: Vanessa Megan Metamorphosis The Other Lips Balm

Aside from how much I love this moisturiser’s clever name, its ingredient list sounds tasty enough to eat (and if you’re lucky, someone will!). With moisturising and calming certified organic oils including pumpkin seed, jojoba, rosehip, evening primrose and calendula, the Other Lips Balm is 100 percent natural and toxin-free.

I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about an oil-based moisturiser because I was used to the water-based ones, but it feels like a luxurious serum for your vagina! I love putting it on before bed and waking up with a vajayjay that looks and feels like it just had a holiday in the Caribbean. 

Pros: The ingredients are luxurious, 100 percent natural and several are certified organic. It can be used as both a moisturiser and a lube.

Cons: It’s oil-based, so it isn’t compatible with condoms.

Price: $60 for a 50ml tube

Vanessa Megan Metamorphosis | The Other Lip Balm™ 

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To learn more about vaginal dryness, watch the video below – What is Vaginal Dryness with Dr Louise Newson.

What is Vaginal Dryness with Dr Louise Newson

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